School Based Vision Services
Watch this video to see us in action!
Vision is especially important in a school-aged child. Good vision is essential to learning and development.
More than 80% of the information a child learns is through their visual system. Vision is how a child learns to read,
write and develop motor skills. It is critical that any visual disorder be detected early to prevent any permanent
damage to the visual system and allow your child to reach their full potential in school.
Almost 20% of all children have a vision disorder. Children with uncorrected vision problems often have
difficulty focusing on their work and many are misdiagnosed as having behavioral or learning disorders.
In the Illinois School System, vision exams are required for students who:
– Failed their vision screening
– Have an IEP
– Are in Kindergarten (Illinois State Law requirement)
The comprehensive eye exam (with dilation) that your child receives at their school will be able to identify if any
problems are present and get your child the treatment they need. The eye exam will consists of the doctor checking:
Visual Acuity – measures how well a child sees
Refraction – determining if the child needs glasses
Binocularity – evaluating how the child’s eyes work together
Eye Health – examining for eye diseases or structural problems inside and outside of the eye
Each student examined will be given a “Vision Report Card” that explains what the doctor found,
a copy of their prescription, and referral and follow-up information (if necessary).
Eye exams and glasses (if necessary) will be provided at no cost to the student.
To download and print a consent form for School-Based Vision Services, please click here.
Para descargar e imprimir un formulario de consentimiento para los servicios de la vista en la escuela, haga clic aqui.