What if my child just had a vision screening?
A vision screening is not a substitute for an eye exam. A screening is very limited and will not detect eye diseases or vision problems that will affect learning. As many as 43% of children with vision problems are able to pass vision screenings
What does the eye exam cost?
We provide comprehensive eye exam and glasses to students regardless of their insurance. If they do have Medicaid, we will bill Medicaid, otherwise, the exam and glasses are provided at no charge to the parent or school
My child just had an eye exam, are they eligible for this program?
Eye exams are only necessary once a year unless indicated by your optometrist. If the child just had an eye exam and got glasses, then there is no need to be examined.
When should my child have their eyes examined?
A child’s first eye exam is recommended at 6 months of age. If no problems are present, then the next exam should be at 3 years of age (right before they start PreK). After this, yearly exams are recommended. Regular eye exams are important to monitor visual development and to ensure that eye and vision disorders are detected at an early stage.
Where does the exam take place?
Exams take place at the school in any room the school has available. (eg library, empty classroom, gym etc) We bring the doctors, equipment, frames to the school so that their child does not have to miss any school. The exam will take about an hour.
What if my child only speaks Spanish or another language?
Our doctors and technicians are able to speak a variety of languages to accommodate your child.
Do we put drops in the child’s eyes?
The doctors dilate the child’s eyes in order to perform a more comprehensive exam. If the parent prefers, they can check off the “no dilation” box but a dilation is always recommended
What are the effects of the dilating drops?
The child will be light sensitive and blurry up close for 3-4 hours, sometimes longer. The effects are totally reversible and do not cause any damage.
Does my child get to pick his own frames?
Yes, we travel with a large selection of frames for your child to choose from. Our opticians will make sure they select a frame that is appropriate for them.
What if there is a referral?
The doctor will provide a referral form indicating a location you can take your child for further examination.
How long do the glasses take to be made?
Glasses can take 8-10 weeks before they are ready to be delivered to the school.
Why do they take so long?
They are ordered from the State of Illinois and so there is a long processing time
How do the glasses get delivered to the school?
Glasses are delivered by an optician who will travel back to the school and fit every child individually with their glasses.
What happens if the child breaks their glasses?
Replacement glasses can be ordered if needed. Simply contact our office.
Who do we contact with further questions?
You can always call our office at 312.929.3340 or send us an email at eyecare@agelesseyecare.com